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AGM Minutes 2018

ELA Office Team

11 May 2018


Attendance:       taken from the Registration Sheets was 144, in addition there were 4 staff and 31 stands.

Directors at the AGM;   Paul Cunningham (Chair), Charles Clarke (Vice Chair), Trevor Southgate (Secretary), Paul Newson, Peter Mitchell, John Pitts, Phil Walters, John Bannister

Apologies for absence;  Chris Kew, Becky Clement

Chairman’s Report;  PC introduced himself and thanked the Sponsors – Foster’s Solicitors, Lovewell Blake, Vincent Burch Mortgage Services, Blue Sky Lettings, Almary Green and Shergroup. 

The ELA has undergone many changes over the past year.  Peter Davis, who was present at the AGM, has resigned as CEO and PC thanked him and wished him well for the future.  John Hindle, a long-standing ELA member and Director had sadly died late in 2017 and he will be greatly missed.  Simone Nicholson, Marketing & Business Development Manager joined the ELA in January 2018 and brings with her a wealth of experience.  The aim of her appointment is to increase and retain membership.  The new ELA website is being launched today.  Howard Gill has stood down as a Director and Becky Clement will replace him at the next Board meeting in June. 

Despite the housing shortage new legislation continues to punish landlords, for example Section 24 (taxation), 3% extra stamp duty.   However, a recent survey of the East of England illustrated that there is a strong demand for rental property with 81% of landlords stating there was an increasing or stable demand.  This demand means that BTL is still a good investment.

Financial Statements year end 31 December 2017; CC proposed acceptance, seconded by JP and carried unanimously.

Appointment of accountants; Lovewell Blake has indicated a willingness to continue, proposed by TS, seconded by CC and carried unanimously.

Appointment of Directors; Howard Gill has stood down.  The only candidate was Becky Clement who has been elected unopposed.

Special Resolution re Alteration to the Articles of Association; PC asked if there were any questions or objections to the changes.  There were none and therefore this was carried unanimously.

Any other business; On behalf of a member, (J Soanes), JP said that this member opposed the move to an electronic version of the quarterly ELA Magazine and proposed that members who would like a hard copy posted to them should pay an extra £5 per year to cover this.  PC said the Board are elected by the members to make decisions on their behalf and it has been decided that the magazine will be electronic from now on.  If a member wants a hard copy they can of course print it off themselves.  There is a possibility that the ELA will produce an annual A4 hard copy magazine.  This mirrors the practices of both the RLA and NLA.

CC said the office are always pleased to receive articles for the magazine from members about their personal experiences.

PC said the focus of 2018 is to increase membership and the big selling points of the ELA are the advice given by the Office Staff and the Tax investigation cover insurance. 

PN said he wanted the hard work of PC, CK, TS and the Office Staff recorded and thanked them all for all their hard work.  All agreed.

Close of AGM; PC closed the AGM at 10.55

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