Welcome to The Eastern Landlords Association
01603 767101
ELA Office Team
7 May 2021
Attendance: 38 participants, including 9 of the 10 Directors and 1 member of staff.
Directors at the AGM; Charles Clarke (Chair), John Pitts (Vice Chair), Trevor Southgate (Secretary), Chris Kew (Treasurer), Peter Bussey, Peter Mitchell, Paul Newson, Jake Parker, Phil Walters
Apologies for absence; John Bannister, (Director) and one other.
Acceptance of minutes of AGM held on 23rd September 2020; TS proposed, CK seconded, accepted.
Chairman’s Report: Circulated prior to the meeting. CC read the report.
Financial Statements year end 31 December 2020: CC said that a question had been sent to the office and read it out, “The Property Repairs expenditures have increased from £972 to almost £11000. Could we have an explanation for this huge increase?” CK explained that the electrical supply to the office, flats, and commercial unit was relocated and updated. EICRs and gas safety certificates for the flats. One of the flats needed a new cooker. An architect was also consulted about possible development of the commercial unit.
CC asked for someone to propose accepting the accounts. TS proposed, JP seconded. 30 voted in favour. Agreed.
Appointment of accountants for the year ending 31st December 2021: Lovewell Blake have been used for several years and the ELA has a good working relationship with them, particularly Colin Fish. CC asked for someone to propose reappointing Lovewell Blake. CK proposed, JP seconded. 35 voted in favour. Agreed.
Appointment of Directors: There was one Director, CC, whose term is coming to an end in May 2021. In January, all members were contacted and invited to stand for election as a Director. No nominations were forthcoming. Therefore, as the Director whose term was coming to an end was happy to stand again an election was not required and the Board remains the same. CC read out the names of the Board of Directors.
Any other business: None.
Close of AGM: CC closed the AGM at 1712hr